


Looking to my previous project I decided that I wanted to make an attempt to create a dragon from scratch, but unlike one of my earlier projects I wanted to create a wyvern type of dragon, whose appearance resembles that of a bat. For the design I was inspired by the dragons portrayed in the “Reign of Fire” movie and the dragon “Smaug” from “The Hobbit” movies. The name I got from a legendary dragon from Scandinavian mythology, whose greed was so great that he turned into a dragon to protect his treasures.

In terms of the rig I learnt a lot of things when after finishing my previous dragon rig, which helped me a lot to make the rig for my own model a lot better and easier to animate. One of the things I changed was that I made both IK and FK wings, since this type of dragon uses it’s wings when it is walking. I also changed the spine so that it used an IK spline instead of a ribbon and also uses FK controls. For the tail I made both an FK tail and an IK spline tail. I also added proper eyelids and controls for them.